The Game Exists!

From the team that has brought you nothing of note, comes Minimum Mage Meals. In its current state, none of the mechanics are properly explained, performance issues are liable to crop up, and there isn't really a goal, but you can shoot fire out of your hands and summon knives.

Currently there is no locomotion, but we are looking into implementing teleportation in a future update. 

Pressing in the Vive Touchpad opens up a magical radial menu of all of your abilities. Your magic powers consist of Fire and Ice magic, summoning food items to complete recipes, and summoning tools to help cook the aforementioned food. The food that you summon can be cut into smaller food items that are required for recipes.  The large chunk of meat is cut into steaks, which is then cut into ground beef. The ground beef is thrown on the counter as hard as possible to create a hamburger patty.

The central mechanics are implemented, but are not even remotely refined as of yet.  The next step is to refine the current mechanics to create a proper demo experience, and to implement basic in game tutorials so the player doesn't need to read a random blog entry to figure out the mechanics.

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Feb 23, 2019

Get Minimum Mage Meals

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